Google Ads will create AI-powered assets that target search queries.

 Google Ads will create AI-powered assets that target search queries.

Google Ads will create AI-powered assets that target search queries. This new features, announced at Google Marketing Live 2023, will allow advertisers to create more relevant and effective search ads.

How does it work? Google AI will process the context of a search query to adapt search ads towards user intent. For example, if a user searches for "skin care for dry sensitive skin," Google's AI could use content form your landing pages and existing ads to generate a targeted headline titled "soothe Your Dry, Sensitive Skin." 

This new feature is a more robust and modern version of Dynamic Keyword Insertion for advertisers. It can help you create more relevent and effective search ads, which can lead to better results.

Here are some of the benefits of using AI-powered assets in Google Ads :

More relevant ads : Google AI can process the context of a search query to adapt search ads towards user intent. This can help you show more relevant ads to potential customer, which can lead to better results.

More effective ads: AI-powered assets can be more effective than manually created assets. This is because Google AI can take into account a variety of factors, such as the search query, the user's intent, and the advertiser's goals.

Less time and efforts: AI-powered assets can save you time and effort. This is because you don't have to optimize your ads. Google AI can do this for you.
